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Jewish Quarter Pipe, Kosher Pop SK8 Art, Galicia Jewish Museum: Krakow, Poland

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Using the skateboard deck as a canvas, New York City artist Steve Marcus’ newest exhibition, Jewish Quarter Pipe, Kosher Pop SK8 Art, at the Galicia Jewish Museum, which is located in the historic Jewish District of Kazimierz in Krakow, Poland. Marcus' unique style, inspired by cartoons and underground comics, explores the themes of tradition, spirituality, and local Jewish history in a fun and refreshingly accessible approach to contemporary Jewish art that is masterfully showcased on 40 whimsical and thought-provoking skateboard decks. Marcus has also created ritual objects using skateboard parts and several xerography-inspired skateboard culture posters in a fabulous exhibit that can be enjoyed and appreciated by viewers of all ages. Jewish Quarter Pipe, Kosher Pop SK8 Art is one of the featured events at the world-renowned Jewish Culture Festival taking place in Krakow on June 28 - July 3. The exhibition will be on display from June 28, 2023, through January 14, 2024, and will be opening on June 30th at 5:30 pm local time. You can learn more about Steve Marcus and the art he creates from his Lower East Side studio in Manhattan at and follow him on Instagram @smarcusart.

Galicia Jewish Museum
ul. Dajwór 18 • 31-052 Kraków, Poland

Jewish Culture Festival